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Home Made Shou Wu Chih | Liver and Kidney Tonic
Home Made Shou Wu Chih
Our Price: $21.99

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This liquid tonic formula is for men and women. It gently increases energy levels as it tonifies, warms, and invigorates the blood, nourishes the liver and kidneys, and benefits the eyes. Regular use strengthens the body and helps sleep. It is also known to reduce fatigue and depletion following sexual activity. Shou Wu Chih is meant for long term use and the benefits build up gradually.*

Tonifies blood, invigorates blood, moves qi, nourishes the liver and benefits the kidney, nourishes jing and yang.

Use for deficiencies of blood for men and women and as a general geriatric tonic. Can be used following radiation therapy.

This is an excellent blood tonic. Polygonum He Shou Wu tonifies kidney and liver. Supportive herbs nourish and move blood. Besides being applicable in a large variety of conditions due to blood deficiency, it also has application for men as a blood and jing tonic, for fatigue and depletion following sexual activity. It can be take for long periods of time.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you consult with a Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner, physician, or veterinarian before using any products or if you have any questions regarding your health or the health of your pet.
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Although there is no direct evidence, it has long been held that one of the benefits of this tonic is a return of the hair's natural color or the overall appearance of healthier hair and an increase in regrowth and/or reduction in gray for those with gray hair. "Shou wu" translates to "black hair".

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Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review.

5 of 5 Home Made Shou Wu Chih May 24, 2022
Reviewer: John M. from New York  
Very satisfied with this product. This home brewed Shou  Wu Chih is a lot more potent than what you can buy premade from a Chinese grocery.  I felt the positive affects after a few weeks.  I purchased two more batches to have them ready for when the first one is used up.  I drink it straight but would suggest diluting it in a cup of warm water.

4 of 5 Strong! December 4, 2019
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from MT  
Wow, this stuff is potent! Tastes better than the bottled version and worth the wait.