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Why choose ORIVeDA?
Scientific research uses in general very pure and highly concentrated extracts to investigate the potential of mushrooms. Oriveda extracts are comparable in both composition and quality, so the research results you read about you can also expect from Oriveda products.
This Lion's Mane combination is the first of its kind. The full potential of Lion’s Mane available in a single combination product. All bioavailable bioactive compounds are specified and were quantified in independent third party laboratories. Beta-glucans, hericenones, erinacines, polyphenols, it’s all there.
This supplement combination covers the full spectrum of Lion's Mane 's potential.
It is the only LM product that is truly 100% in line with all existing research: clinical, in vivo and in vitro. The key bio-actives are all specified and quantified and their presence, percentage and bioavailability is guaranteed.
Oriveda's lossless 1:1 hot water extract contains the full Lion's Mane fruiting body in a bioavailable form. Nothing was filtered out, both soluble and insoluble bioactives are still present in their natural synergy. In this case 'lossless' is crucial because we want the product to be 100% in line with the existing clinical research.
Concentrated water extracts are not in line with LM research because all non-soluble matter was filtered out, including terpenes and many other potentially interesting compounds.
Three out of four human case studies were done with non-extracted dried Lion's Mane fruiting body powder; by extracting this dried powder (like we did) the bioavailability / therapeutic effect increases ± 4 - 10 times according to research, and the required dosage drops from ± 2 - 3 grams daily to ± 600 - 900 mg daily.
So there might be other yet unknown bioactive compounds or synergetic combinations of compounds present and it therefore makes perfect sense to use an unfiltered 1:1 extract instead of a more concentrated / filtered extract.
Oriveda 's pharmaceutical grade mycelium extract is the worlds first and only alcohol extract based on pure liquid-grown mycelium. The emphasis is on the alcohol-soluble terpenes / terpenoids; i.p. a group of diterpenes known as erinacines.
Erinacines are considered to be the most powerful NGF-inducers in Lion's Mane. They are only found in the mycelium. We have used a special formula for the liquid substrate in which the mycelium is growing; its purpose is to increase the production of erinacines.