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Methyl Salicylate Overdose/Poisoning
Methyl salicylate poisoning is unusual, and deaths from high levels of the chemical are rare. "Chronic use is more dangerous than one-time use," Edward Arsura, chairman of medicine at Richmond Univ
How to Treat the Common Cold with Traditional Chinese Medicine by Bill Schoenbart and Ellen Shefi
How to Treat the Common Cold with Traditional Chinese Medicine The common cold has many forms in traditional Chinese medicine. The most common forms fall under the categories of wind cold and wind
Part 1- Introduction and Categories of Herbal Medicines A Guide To Chinese Martial Arts Herbal Trauma Formulas
By David Bock C.Ac. Dipl.Ac. Dipl.CH. Editor's Note: In this series of articles the author discuses Chinese Herbal remedies useful for bruises, sprains, strains, fractures, bleeding and other tr
Chinese Herbal Product Guide: Popular Products and their Uses
Use the chart below to assist you in picking the correct product for your condition. Remember there are countless formulas and these are only a few of the more popular and useful products. Check th